03 January 2014

Jeeva Samadhi of 18 Siddhargal

A list of Jeeva Samadhi of the 18 siddhargal - I took this pic on the rear side of the Natarajar Sannadhi at Rameswaram - This is the Jeeva Samadhi of Patanjali - Don't miss out when you visit this temple! Light a lamp and meditate for few minutes..

Patanjali is one of the foremost of the Siddhars and an incarnation of Adi Sesha, and he used to teach his disciples behind a curtain (Due to the fact that the disciples might not stand the potent poisonous breath) - He wrote the yoga sutra, and adiseshan is said to have taken the avatar of Patanjali just to witness the Shiva Dhandavam!

Photo: A list of Jeeva Samadhi of the 18 siddhargal - I took this pic on the rear side of the Natarajar Sannadhi at Rameswaram - This is the Jeeva Samadhi of Patanjali - Don't miss out when you visit this temple! Light a lamp and meditate for few minutes..

Patanjali is one of the foremost of the Siddhars and an incarnation of Adi Sesha, and he used to teach his disciples behind a curtain (Due to the fact that the disciples might not stand the potent poisonous breath) - He wrote the yoga sutra, and adiseshan is said to have taken the avatar of Patanjali just to witness the Shiva Dhandavam!

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